About Us.

“We never know how far reaching something we may think, say, or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow.” 

-- B.J. Palmer, the developer of the chiropractic profession

MEET Dr. John Caruso, D.C

Squats. Bench press. Deadlifts. 

If you’re picturing a sweaty, old-school gym with Rocky-vibes, then you get me. This was my life for many years as I competed heavily (pun intended) in powerlifting and strength sports.

Then I was injured. Multiple herniated discs. Severe depression. Prescription drug and substance abuse to deal with the pain.

I hope you’re not experiencing these things, but I know far too many of you have gone down this same path. Traditional medicine was failing me. 

If You're Still Interested, it gets better

I was given two terrible treatment options by the medical doctor who was on staff at the university I attended-- more prescription drugs or major back surgery were the only choices according to his expertise. I left that appointment feeling frustrated, confused, and alone. And I’m betting you feel that on some level too. But even at only 17 years old, I knew in my gut there had to be more. Thankfully my mom suggested I visit our hometown chiropractor. I was skeptical at first, but also curious because this practitioner had helped family members deal with symptoms of allergies, asthma, and anxiety just to name a few things. I left my initial chiropractic appointment feeling listened to and deeply cared for by my chiropractor. I will never forget when he said “You are capable of healing. We just have to give [your body] the best opportunity to start that process.” 

He was right!

Through his care and the adjustments, my body began to respond. I started to heal in ways that I never thought were possible. I was not just becoming physically well, but mentally well. That visit massively shifted and shaped the trajectory of my life. I’ve since traded in “skull crushers” during my workouts to craniosacral care (bodywork on the joints of the cranium otherwise known as, you guessed it, the skull) on my patients. I went from a busted back, feeling depressed, and in chronic pain to daily dealing hope and handing out healing through chiropractic care I give to my patients.

I strive to be the type of chiropractor who listens to you.

And we know, like my former chiropractor wisely said, your body is capable of healing.

It’s our goal to provide you with the best opportunities to begin that healing process.

MEET Dr. John Caruso, D.C

Squats. Bench press. Deadlifts. 

If you’re picturing a sweaty, old-school gym with Rocky-vibes, then you get me. This was my life for many years as I competed heavily (pun intended) in powerlifting and strength sports.

Then I was injured. Multiple herniated discs. Severe depression. Prescription drug and substance abuse to deal with the pain.

I hope you’re not experiencing these things, but I know far too many of you have gone down this same path. Traditional medicine was failing me. 

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If You're Still Interested, it gets better

I was given two terrible treatment options by the medical doctor who was on staff at the university I attended-- more prescription drugs or major back surgery were the only choices according to his expertise. I left that appointment feeling frustrated, confused, and alone. And I’m betting you feel that on some level too. But even at only 17 years old, I knew in my gut there had to be more. Thankfully my mom suggested I visit our hometown chiropractor. I was skeptical at first, but also curious because this practitioner had helped family members deal with symptoms of allergies, asthma, and anxiety just to name a few things. I left my initial chiropractic appointment feeling listened to and deeply cared for by my chiropractor. I will never forget when he said “You are capable of healing. We just have to give [your body] the best opportunity to start that process.” 

He was right!

Through his care and the adjustments, my body began to respond. I started to heal in ways that I never thought were possible. I was not just becoming physically well, but mentally well. That visit massively shifted and shaped the trajectory of my life. I’ve since traded in “skull crushers” during my workouts to craniosacral care (bodywork on the joints of the cranium otherwise known as, you guessed it, the skull) on my patients. I went from a busted back, feeling depressed, and in chronic pain to daily dealing hope and handing out healing through chiropractic care I give to my patients.

I strive to be the type of chiropractor who listens to you.

And we know, like my former chiropractor wisely said, your body is capable of healing.

It’s our goal to provide you with the best opportunities to begin that healing process.

Our Services

Chiropractic adjustments

chiropractic cranial work

Specific Nervous System Scans

Chiropractic adjustments

chiropractic cranial work

Specific Nervous System Scans

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Before you go, let's connect

Sign up to stay updated with the latest info at Haven Family Chiropractic, we will also let you know of our free workshops, giveaways and community events.

Make sure to follow us on social media, too!

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Monday: 10AM to 1PM and 4PM to 6:30PM

Tuesday: 8AM to 11AM and 4PM to 6:30PM

Wednesday: Closed

Thursday: 8AM to 11AM and 4PM to 6:30PM

Friday: 8AM to 11AM

24638 Kingsland Boulevard
Katy, Texas 77494
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