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A huge part of our mission is to finally help parents “make sense” of their child’s health challenges, such as autism, and health care as a whole. Too much emphasis on science and research in healthcare today. But parents and patients need help to understand it in a more effective way. These articles are where you will find detailed information in an easy-to-understand format. They will help you finally discover the answers and action steps you’ve been seeking all along. They will help your child overcome things such as chronic immune challenges, sensory processing disorder, autism, ADHD, anxiety, constipation, colic, and so much more!

Sensory Integration Disorders

Sensory Integration Disorders


The nervous system is responsible for receiving and processing sensory information, and this process is more formally known as sensory integration. Sensory Integration Disorders (SID), also often referred to as Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD), are a type of condition where the brain struggles to process stimulation via the senses properly.

Leading specialist and neuroscientist A. Jean Ayres, Ph.D., suggests that sensory disorders like these are similar to a “neurological traffic jam” that ultimately prevents sensory information from being processed and sent where it needs to go. This can affect how children (and adults) regulate behavior, perform motor functions, and go about many other day-to-day activities.

When we say sensory information, we mean anything our bodies detect with one of our senses, like taste, touch, smell, hearing, and sight. There are also two “internal” senses that specialists associate with body awareness (proprioception) and movement (vestibular).

One tricky element of sensory processing disorders is that everyone can be affected differently. Some people are overstimulated, and even the most common noises or lightest touches can be uncomfortable or even painful. On the other hand, some people struggle to fully understand or sense stimulation, potentially making them uncoordinated or spatially unaware.

Sensory integration and learning disorders are usually identified during childhood, but they can be identified in adults, too. Note that the traditional medical industry currently doesn’t view sensory integration disorders as a legitimate diagnosis; instead, medical professionals often relate symptoms to other conditions. We’ll expand on this later on.


Some people will have some kind of sensitivity to a specific sense, like loud noises, and others will be affected by multiple. Again, kids can be over- or under-sensitive to stimuli, and both sides of that spectrum come with challenges and frustrations. Plus, it’s not one end of the spectrum or the other in every case—plenty of people deal with a mixture of both. As a baby, a sensory-sensitive child may just be especially fussy and later anxious. Then certain patterns or behaviors may develop that clue parents in on their child’s sensitivity.


  • Overstimulated scenarios or behaviors in kids can look like this:
  • Clothes being too itchy
  • Sounds being too loud
  • Lights are too bright
  • Screaming or negatively responding when they’re touched
  • Gagging due to food textures
  • Vomiting in response to certain sounds, textures, or smells
  • Soft touches feel too hard
  • Reacting extremely to sudden movements
  • Poor balance or clumsiness
  • Poor motor skills, like writing with a pencil
  • Kids that are under-stimulated will often engage in sensory-seeking behaviors, which can look like this:
  • Antsy or have trouble sitting still
  • Don’t pick up on social cues or personal space
  • Thrill-seeking behaviors, like jumping from heights or spinning
  • Don’t get dizzy while spinning
  • Don’t respond to extreme temperatures
  • Wants visual stimulation (like video games or other electronics)
  • Chews on things
  • Don’t recognize when their face is dirty
  • Have a high pain threshold
  • Don’t always understand their own strength

Other symptoms include low muscle tone (so moving up and down the stairs can be challenging) and language delays. The physical symptoms can also become the source of more behavioral and emotional symptoms like frequent tantrums, poor self-esteem, social isolation, and mental health struggles like anxiety and depression.

Some of these scenarios are common in all children from time to time, but if you notice a pattern or if these behaviors get in the way of everyday life and functioning, a sensory disorder may be at play. Try our Sensory Processing Disorder test to see if this may be the case for your child.


The causes of Sensory Integration Disorders aren’t entirely clear. While it still isn’t recognized as an official medical diagnosis, most traditional doctors look at Sensory Integration Disorders as a genetic condition. Additionally, they often will see it as a component of autism or other neurodevelopmental conditions instead of a challenge on its own.

What more recent research is clearly showing is that Sensory Integration Disorders stem more from environmental factors, especially stress during pregnancy and delivery, that can alter the function of the autonomic nervous system, vagus nerve, and other important elements of sensory integration function.

The big issue here is while some traditional doctors can correctly identify symptoms, finding the root cause is difficult since many doctors don’t see SID/SPD as an accurate diagnosis. We can help find the root cause of SID/SPD, which often involves subluxation.

Subluxation has three primary components – misalignment, fixation (lack of motion), and resulting dysautonomia. Especially in the case of SIDs, subluxations are common in the spine, which negatively impacts the function of the nervous system. This creates tension or fixation in the spine, as well as neurological interference and imbalance that affects sensory processing. A subluxation can be caused (and prolonged) by stress, trauma, and toxicity, creating emotional and physical strain in different parts of the brain and body.


You may have noticed some overlap in SID/SPD symptoms and autism symptoms. While it’s likely that people with autism have some form of SPD, many, if not most, people with SID or SPD don’t have autism. SID and autism have different neurodevelopmental parts, even down to brain matter.

This is part of why there’s such a big movement to have SID and SPD recognized as separate and stand-alone conditions. Pediatric chiropractors, for example, see autism and SID as separate concerns and provide care accordingly.


Because sensory disorders are always related to another disorder or condition, getting the proper care for both the symptoms and the root issues of sensory integration disorders can be discouraging. But don’t despair: there are proper care options out there!

Some doctors will employ sensory integration therapy (SI), where children are encouraged to interact with certain sensory stimulation in a safe, low-impact, low-risk environment. These activities are usually designed to be playful or fun for kids while slowly but regularly integrating them with challenging situations. Occupational therapy also helps with SID symptoms by practicing fine motor skills, gross motor skills, and everyday skills such as getting dressed.

A “sensory diet” is another tactic to help kids regulate their sensory responses by having a list of activities they can practice at home and school. This is to encourage children to stay focused during the day so that they can complete their day-to-day functions. For example, a child may need a fidget toy at their desk or the opportunity to go on a short walk every hour.

Many of these solutions are geared towards regulating symptoms and smoothing transitions for sensory kids, not the root cause. While teaching kids how to regulate and expose them to different scenarios can be part of an overall strategy, it’s also best to look and care for the underlying neurological issues. PX Docs and appropriately-trained pediatric chiropractors can provide care for the underlying subluxation and dysautonomia challenges, helping improve the quality of life for SID/SPD patients of all ages.

We use a special tool called INSiGHT Subluxation Scanning Technology. In just a 10-15 minute exam, these scans can find, measure, and locate dysautonomia and other elements of subluxation. After the scan, our we can create a customized care plan that may include adjustments that focus on sensory, motor, and other neurological benefits. This personalized plan for your child will target the underlying neurological challenges rather than just the symptoms.


If you’re a frustrated parent who is exhausted and concerned because of a sensory disorder and who hasn’t been able to find help from traditional medical doctors, let’s find a lasting solution for your child. Head over to our scheduling page to book a consultation for your child or if you are not local to our office, visit our directory to find a pediatric chiropractor near you.


Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is when the brain has difficulty processing and responding to information received through the senses. Here are some studies on the relationship between birth trauma and sensory processing disorder:

“Sensory Processing Disorders in Children with a History of Birth Trauma” (2016) – This study found that children with a history of birth trauma were more likely to have sensory processing disorders than children without a history of birth trauma.

“Birth Trauma and Sensory Processing Disorder: A Systematic Review” (2021) – This systematic review analyzed several studies on the relationship between birth trauma and sensory processing disorder. The review found that birth trauma is a risk factor for developing sensory processing disorder in children.

“Association of Birth Trauma with Sensory Processing Abnormalities among Preterm Infants” (2019) – This study found that preterm infants who experienced birth trauma were more likely to have sensory processing abnormalities compared to those who did not experience birth trauma.

“The Relationship between Neonatal Brachial Plexus Palsy and Sensory Processing Disorder” (2021) – This study found that children with neonatal brachial plexus palsy (a birth injury that affects the nerves in the arm) were more likely to have sensory processing disorder compared to children without the condition.

“Sensory Processing in Children with Birth Injuries: A Prospective Cohort Study” (2019) – This study found that infants who experienced birth injuries were more likely to have sensory processing difficulties than infants without birth injuries.

These studies suggest that birth trauma is a risk factor for developing sensory processing disorder in children. Healthcare professionals should be aware of the potential risks associated with birth trauma and monitor children who experience it closely for signs of sensory processing difficulties. Early identification and intervention can help improve outcomes for children with sensory processing disorder.

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